Todays blog entry is about my struggles with my sexuality.
I never used to think i was bisexual, I thought I was straight.
I’d always fancied boys, never looked at girls and I was a hopeless romantic searching for her prince.
However as the years went on I grew more and more disillusioned with men and as I hit my twenties I started noticing women more.
How beautiful they were, how smart, ambitious, clever, feisty, powerful, pretty. I decided I fancied them too.
But I was scared. To tell people, to share the news. I didn’t want to scream it from the rooftops. Instead I whispered it to myself.
Even now, I get struck by this fear, i’m not pretty enough to be gay, I’d be type cast as butch.
However, today I’m challenging that fear and posting about it.
This song is so good - please listen
And the link to my book Paper Doll, all about my battles with my identity disorder Baby amongst other mental illnesses is
My singles beautiful and circus are available on Spotify, iTunes and Apple music as well as Soundcloud and Youtube
Samaritans is 116 123